Fee Schedule effective 1/1/2024
Mail-in Request Forms
Birth/Death Certificate Request Form (English version)
Birth/Death Certificate Request Form (Spanish version)
Walk-in Request Forms
Birth/Death Certificate Request Form (English version)
Birth/Death Certificate Request Form (Spanish version)
Electronic Birth/Death Application:
Submit your Birth/Death application online!
Qualified Applicant must visit the County Clerk’s office in person within 5 days of submitting your application online in order to obtain the Birth/Death Certificate. After 5 days, the application will be removed from our queue and you will need to complete your application again. Applications are also available to complete when you visit the clerk’s office.
- Out of county residents who were born in Grayson County, must complete Mail-in Request Form (see above link).
- Birth Certificates $23.00 each
- Death Certificates $21.00; ($4.00 for additional copies at time of purchase)
- Birth records are confidential until the 75th anniversary of the date of the event.
- Death records are confidential until the 25th anniversary of the date of the event.
To Obtain a Birth/Death Certificate:
Qualified Applicant: The person on the record, parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, (can get grandchild’s, but grandchild may not get the grandparents), legal guardian or managing conservator, legal representative, or a person serving under contract for the registrant.
See Section 181.1(13) of the Texas Administrative Code for what qualifies as an immediate family member.
- A current government-issued picture ID is required to obtain a certified copy.
Click here for Proper Identification Requirements https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/vs/reqproc/Acceptable-IDs/
- BIRTH CERTIFICATES (All copies are certified.
Birth Certificates are issued in two forms—Long Form and Abstract Form.
- In-County Birth Certificates are typically issued in the Long Form.
- Out-of-County Birth Certificates in the State of Texas can be obtained in Abstract Form only. Abstract Certificates are not suitable for passport purposes. Contact the nearest Passport Office for more information.
DEATH CERTIFICATES (All copies are certified.)
- Death Certificates will be on file in the county where the person died.
- Death Certificates may be issued to immediate family members, see link above, Section 181.1(13)
- Certificates for deaths within the past 25 years are considered protected and closed to the public.
Grayson County Courthouse, Department of Vital Statistics
100 W. Houston Suite 17
Sherman, TX 75090
Email inquiries - vitals@co.grayson.tx.us
Hours of Operation: M-T-TH-F 8:00 to 4:30 W 8:30 to 4:30 for more information, please call