Outdoor Burning

Information related to outdoor burning in Grayson County, Texas.

This information is related to outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Grayson County only. If you live in a city in Grayson County please contact your local city hall for information about the ordinances of your city on this subject.

 We are frequently asked if Grayson County has a burn ban. In an effort to keep the information publicly available at all times, you can always check this website. Our burn ban "status" is posted here and is always current.

That being said, it is our duty to remind you that even when there is no burn ban in place, citizens in Grayson County cannot assume they can burn anything, anytime, anywhere.


There are state laws, rules and regulations governing outdoor burning. Failure to follow them can be a criminal offense and can result in civil liability. It is your responsibility to understand the law before you burn and know that is anyone gets hurt or property is damaged by your actions, you can be held responsible.

Please educate yourself on the outdoor burning rules and laws before you burn.  The link below will provide a download of the current publication from TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) on the subject.

State of Texas outdoor burning rules

It is your responsibility to know the current weather conditions and to determine if it is safe to conduct outdoor burning. There are fire weather products on the NWS pages that you can access at: NWS Fire Weather Information