Video Visitation:
Video Visitation is available during daytime hours 8:00AM to 9:00PM unless the inmate is on visitation restriction. Each visit is a maximum of 20 minutes in length. There is a fee for this service through the video visitation provider. Video visitation may be restricted to maintain the safety and security of the facility. Visitors and/or the inmates may be restricted from video visitation for nudity, vulgar actions, or violations of facility rules while participating in a visit.
The website to set up a video visitation account is
In Person Visitation:
Basic Rules:
- Visitation is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The first three people that an inmate allows to visit them will be approved as the inmate’s approved visitors for the entire month.
- The approved visitors may be changed on the first Tuesday of each month.
- In-person visitation will be conducted Tuesday through Saturday.
- The visitation week starts on Tuesday of each week. Each visitor will only be allowed to visit once per week.
- Visitation for female inmates: 8:00am to 9:00am and 3:00pm to 4:00pm
- Visitation for male inmates: 9:00am to 11:00am and 1:00pm to 3:00pm
- The last visitor will NOT be seated within 15 minutes prior to the end of the visitation period.
- The maximum visitation time is 30 minutes.
Identification Requirements for In Person Visitation:
Visitors 16 years of age or older MUST produce a valid State of Governmental Issued Photo ID. Examples: Driver’s License, Passport, Passport Card, etc. Visitors will be added to the inmate’s approved list. Children under the age of 17 MUST be accompanied by an adult on the inmate’s approved visitation list.
Visitors 15 years old or younger, who do not possess a state or governmental ID, must provide an original or certified copy of a birth certificate to visit. Visitors will be added to the inmate’s approved list.
An inmate’s child that is 12 years of age or less will be allowed to visit and not added to the inmate’s approved visitation list. The rules governing these visits are as follows:
- An Adult on the approved list must accompany the child.
- Proof of age and relationship must be established by an original or certified copy of a birth certificate for the child.
- The child’s name will be entered as a visitor, but not on the approved visitation list.
- The person accompanying the child will be responsible for the actions of the child and must supervise the child during the visit.
- The child may visit only one time per week.
- On the child’s thirteenth birthday, and thereafter, they will be counted as a visitor.
Upon request from an inmate’s legal guardian, the legal guardian shall be added to the inmate’s eligible visitation list and provided access to the inmate through visitation during the regular visitation hours. The guardian will not count as an approved visitor. The guardian is required to provide legal proof of guardianship under Sections 1002.012, 1106.001-1106.003 Estate Code and with a certified letter of said guardianship prior to the visit.
Appropriate Clothing:
Visitors MUST be appropriately dressed. No visitor will be permitted to enter the facility bare footed or wearing clothing that is considered by the detention staff to be provocative or offensive. Such clothing includes, but is not limited to:
- Clothing items above the knee, including holes in pants.
- Sleeveless tops such as tank tops and spaghetti straps.
- Low cut or cut off blouses.
- Transparent clothing. This does not include transparent clothing where another article of clothing is worn underneath.
The GCSO member conducting visitation will determine appropriate dress. Visitors that are NOT dressed appropriately will NOT be allowed to visit and will be asked to leave the visitation area.
Other Rules for the Visitation Area:
Visitors will NOT bring any items into the facility other than their ID and keys. Electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches and other electronics will not be allowed in the inmate visitation area. Jail personnel are not allowed to hold any personal items for a visitor. Any person who brings or attempts to bring any unauthorized item in the jail may be permanently denied visitation privileges in the Grayson County Jail and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Any visitor being loud, hostile, using obscenities, combative, abusive or in general disrespectful to others or disrupts visitation process SHALL be removed from the facility.
Any visitor under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be denied a visit and maybe detained for violation of state law.
Contact visit are not allowed at any time.
Telephone Access:
Inmates inside of the Grayson County Jail have access to Correct Solutions Group Inmate Phone Services. To set up an account go to WWW.CSGPAY.COM and use facility code 24102. Inmate’s phone accounts and commissary accounts are separate. Family members can add funds to both commissary and phone accounts from the CSG website.
Phones are available to inmates during daytime hours from 8:00am to 10:00PM. Phones maybe restricted during certain periods of the day to ensure the safety and security of the inmates and the facility.
Messaging is available for inmate use for a fee. Accounts for inmate messaging can be setup on the JailATM website Messaging maybe restricted for disciplinary actions or during certain periods of the day to ensure the safety and security of the facility.