Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

What is an LEPC?
A Local Emergency Planning Committee or LEPC is a voluntary organization that is responsible for hazardous materials emergency response planning. LEPCs were established to meet the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know ACT or EPCRA. This Act also established a State Emergency response Commission or SERT which designates the Emergency Planning District that the LEPC serves. In Grayson County we have one LEPC while some counties have multiple committees.

An LEPC is required to receive annual Texas Tier Two Reports from industries and other facilities which documents the type and amount of hazardous materials and chemicals stored and used by the facility.

The key responsibilities of the LEPC are to:

  • Assist local government in developing hazardous materials emergency response plans and preparedness for natural disaster emergency events.  

  • Evaluate the county's need for resources to respond to hazardous materials emergencies

  • Process requests from the public for information on hazardous materials in their area

  • TIER II reports may be sent to the LEPC at TIERII@co.grayson.tx.us