A Victim Impact Statement is a document that victims and their families complete that describes the impact the crime has had on the family. It is an important way the crime victim’s voice is heard in the justice system. The Victim Impact Statement should be completed as soon as possible after the crime has occurred and returned to Victim Services at the District Attorney’s Office. The Victim Impact Statement will be placed in the defendant’s file and will be seen by our attorney, the judge, the defense, probation, parole, and if the defendant is sent to prison, will be sent to prison officials with him/her. This is not a public document, however, the defendant will be provided a copy with the confidential information removed. The Victim Impact Statement also provides the District Attorney’s Office with information concerning your desire to be contacted for court proceedings and parole proceedings.
You may complete a Victim Impact Statement online and send to the Victim Services Coordinator at scheibmeirk@co.grayson.tx.us or you may download the form and either hand deliver or mail the completed form to the DA’s office:
Attn: Kathy Scheibmeir
200 S. Crockett St., Ste. 116A
Sherman, TX 75090
Victim Impact Statement Packet English
Victim Impact Statement Packet Spanish