The North Texas Regional Airport / Perrin Field (formerly Grayson County Airport) encompasses nearly 1,400 acres of property located between Sherman/Denison and just south of Pottsboro, Texas. We currently have 34 businesses operating at the Airport that employ more than 1,000 workers. We have more than 400-acres suitable for aviation and industrial development. The best use of our underutilized facility is heavy aircraft maintenance, flight operations, aviation and industrial manufacturing and intermodal (air/rail/truck) cargo facilities.
Below is a list of attributes that we offer:
- 9,000’ X 150’ concrete/asphalt runway capable of supporting Boeing 747 aircraft up to 600,000 pounds (only D/FW & Alliance Airports have longer runways in this area)
- 56-acres of concrete ramp space for aircraft parking
- Instrument Landing System (ILS) recently installed by the Airport (not funded nor maintained using FAA money)
- Approach lights, runway and taxiway lights recently installed or upgraded
- Airport Fire Department on site with ARFF trained firefighters
- National Weather Service trained weather observers on site
- Rail spur from the Airport to Union Pacific (UP) line in Pottsboro
- Existing control tower that can be reactivated very quickly when demand warrants
- Excellent working relationship with TxDOT Aviation Division
- We work closely with the Sherman and Denison Economic Development Corporations on new business development at the Airport.
- Currently working with the Sherman-Denison Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to fund a study for road access improvements on the west side of the Airport
Extending Highway 289 will benefit the Airport and Grayson County by opening more than 160-acres of property on the west side of the Airport for intermodal, aviation and industrial development.
Intermodal development of this property is highly desirable because:
- U.S. Highway 75 is four miles east of the Airport
- U. S. Highway 82 is three miles south of the Airport
- Future State Highway 289 will border Airport property
- Site is an activated Foreign Trade Zone with bonded warehouse
- Airport owned rail spur connected to UP rail line could be routed to the west side of the Airport
Aviation development is desirable in this area because:
- 8,000’ closed runway will be converted to a parallel taxiway saving thousands of dollars in new construction cost
- Property is level and easily developable and has already attracted interest from developers
- Proximity to State Highway 289 will make it highly desirable, opening up the whole west side of the Airport for development
Industrial development will occur along State Highway 289 on-airport and off-airport property
Development of State Highway 289 will benefit all of Grayson County by creating thousands of jobs and increasing revenue generated by those jobs. This will strengthen the North Texas Regional Airport / Perrin Field making it as viable to the North Texas economy as Alliance Airport is to the Fort Worth economy.