Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
Judge Christina Fox

Judge Christina Fox is a decorated combat veteran, certified mediator, and licensed attorney with experience practicing civil and criminal law.  Judge Fox currently presides over evictions, small claims, debt cases, administrative hearings, truancy hearings, magistrate matters, and class C misdemeanors.  She is no stranger to service and is proud to serve as your Judge for the Justice Court in Precinct 4.  When you come to her court you can expect adherence to the rule of law, service before self, and judicial excellence.

DO NOT  attempt to contact the Judge by mail, e-mail, phone or in person regarding any pending criminal or civil matter. Doing so is considered ex parte and may result in serious consequences.

Click here for Courtroom Dress Code Policy

  • Justice of the Peace
    Grayson County Courthouse 
    117 S. Main
    Van Alstyne, TX 75495

    Mailing Address:
    PO Box 1964
    Van Alstyne, TX  75495
    Phone: (903) 482-6543
    Email: Justice of the Peace Precinct 04

    Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm  
    (Closed 11:30am - 12:45pm for Lunch)

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