Request for Proposals
If you intend on using this document to submit an Official Bid for areas that include but are not limited to proposals, services, property, merchandise or purchases you must email and provide your contact information that includes the Individual Contact, Company, Mailing Address and Phone Number.  This is necessary in order to provide you with any changes in requirements or addendums that may or may not affect the outcome of this bid solicitation.  Failure to do so may result in your submission NOT being awarded or considered.  Any questions you may have can be forwarded by the Email below or by telephone to (903) 813-4259.  Again, we appreciate your time and effort.  Disclaimer: Grayson County assumes no liability or responsibility for adverse impacts as a result of submissions not being awarded or considered as a result of not following the guidelines listed above in this notice.

Note:  Starting in 2016, all suppliers for contracts approved in Commissioner's Court, a Form 1295, Certificate of Interested Parties must be filled out and submitted to the County.  For instructions on the procedures for filling out and filing this form, please click on the link below.

Bid #2024-7 - New and Pre-Owned Fleet Vehicles