Assumed Names
To start a business in the State of Texas, a person needs to get an Assumed Name Certificate, commonly known as a "d.b.a." Most banks require an Assumed Name Certificate to open a business bank account. It is necessary to obtain an Assumed Name Certificate in every county where business will be conducted.


The filing fee is $12.50 and each additional page $4.00, $.50 for each additional Registrant/Owner.

Available Forms:
DBA1          DBA2

Validity Period:
An assumed name certificate is good for 10 years from the date of filing unless a shorter time is specified on the certificate.

It is not necessary to file an Abandonment of Assumed Name if the business closes.

A withdrawal from an assumed name is filed if one or more partners in the business wishes to withdraw. The same fees as above apply.

$1.00 PER PAGE. Add $5.00 for certification.

Going Out of Business Sale:
A going out of business sale means an offer to sell to the public on the representation that the sale is in anticipation of the termination of the operations of a business. To conduct a going out of business sale, a business must file an original inventory with the county clerk accompanied by a fee of $25.00. This fee covers all subsequent fillings required by the statute for the 120 days that this permits valid.