Marker [123]
Pioneer Cotton Seed Oil Mill
(1201 E. Pecan St., Sherman)


Here the Sherman Cotton Oil Mill Company was created by John Clement Tassey between1871-1879, to become, at one time, largest of its kind in the world. The company was first housed in frame buildings. In 1891 a permanent building was erected. Spacious engine room contained white marble slab floors, oak paneled walls, red brick fireplace of English design, and a carved oak staircase.

The new facility had a peak capacity of over 400 tons of cottonseed a day. By 1893, was called "largest cottonseed oil mill in the world" in geography textbooks, Texas Almanac of 1904. Oil from this plant went to ports throughout the world. Tassey was known in Europe as "Mr. Sherman," and Sherman as the city "where the oil comes from." A pioneer in use of cottonseed for edible purposes; in 1902 a preparation of cottonseed oil for cooking was added to company's production. Smaller mills began competing for available seed: By 1903 plant closed because of inability to secure sufficient cottonseed to operate economically. It was reorganized and reopened in 1913 as the Interstate Cotton Oil Refining Co. The original permanent building, facing Pecan Street, is now part of this modern plant.