Marker [030]
Hall Cemetery
(2 mi. SW of Howe)
Located on land patented by Anderson White (1801-85), on certificate issued April 23,1850,by Peters Colony, an
immigration project which had received a large land grant in this region from the Republic of Texas. Burial plot
was begun January 6, 1857, upon the death of White's daughter, Sarah White Haning, wife of Aaron Haning. One
week later, on January 13, a second grave was added, that of Haning's mother, Rachel Pierce Haning. In June,
1857, White sold his land in the area, but reserved two acres surrounding the burial site, deeded April, 1859, to
trustees for public cemetery. Named for Benjamin E Hall (1803-73), pioneer minister of the Disciples of Christ, doctor, dentist, and lawyer, who owned the White property from 1857 to 1872, and founded several churches in the region. |